Submit a Guest Post

Submit a Guest Post
Don't miss the opportunity to guest blog in a new, visual format of stories that can get you more readers and higher rankings. Become a contributor and start guest posting.
We accept guest posts in a new content format that lets you write crisp and visually rich stories. They are quick-loading, mobile-focused, search engine-friendly and user-first.

These Visual Stories are powered by Google's AMP technology. Creating content in this new format is sure to boost user engagement and give you a competitive advantage in the industry. So what are you waiting for? Sign up with us and create AMP stories that will make your users come back.

If you are new to blogging, fret not about how to write stories. This content format makes things easy. You can put together photos of famous events in history and wrap them into a visual story, or teach history the visual way, through AMP stories. If you are a professional writer interested in history, you can start a history blog and make it successful through visual storytelling. And if you are a content marketer, writing content in the AMP Stories format should be a part of your content strategy.